The FLCCE Golf Course Committee Announces the formation of the
Community Preservation Task Force
The intent of this critical group is to serve as a network, in which accurate information is shared with the residents of each FLCCE Unit regarding the ongoing status of the golf course.
Please take a moment to read the below parameters of this task force.
The CP Task Force’ primary job will be to provide a strong network of community outreach and feedback with accurate information
There will be 2 members from each unit. 1 member will reside on the golf course and 1 member will reside on a lot that is not adjacent to the golf course
Members shall be representative of each Unit throughout FLCCE and shall volunteer by nominating themselves or their neighbors via emails to the GCC on the website. (They will not be hand picked by HOA board members. Only, if there are no volunteers, will the Board step in to ask for neighbors representing the diversity established here, to participate)
If there are multiple members from each Unit that volunteer, their neighbors will determine who their Task Force representative will be
Adjacent Glenna Lane residents and all Associate members will be invited
The objective of the Task Force is to inform and outreach to all residents within their Units, sharing accurate data.
The CPTF will not push or bully any residents to vote according to their individual preference and will bring all residents issues/concerns to the GCC to be addressed promptly.
The CP Task Force will work with Unit Block Captains as needed.
The CP Task Force will self-select a Task Force Coordinator
As the options chosen by the residents evolve, the CP Task Force may require new tasks and roles.
***Please go to the Golf Course Committee tab on the FLCCE website and send us an email with your name, address and contact information. Put Volunteer Task Force in the subject line.