As the year 2021 comes to a close, some of our volunteers, who’ve worked to secure and improve the FLCCE neighborhood, will step down from their many years of service to this wonderful area.
We want to thank Mr. Ralph Steinheimer, Mr. Joe Orgaz and Ms. Roxi McCarthy for their selfless contributions. Whether serving on the HOA Board, or leading the Block Captains, they have each devoted their time and their energies to help make our neighborhood a better place. We wish them all well and hope to see them at neighborhood events.

While we are grateful for our residents’ previous service, we now have an opportunity to invite new neighbors to participate and we are currently taking applications.
Have some great ideas for events? Feel like you can contribute something? Or are you simply passionate about Forest Lakes? Consider joining the FLCEE HOA Board!
All applications go through the Nominating Committee, and they will keep you posted as to the status of your application. If you are a property owner and Member-In-Good Standing (paid your membership renewal) and if you are interested, please complete and send the form below by January 1, 2022. The new terms will begin with induction at our annual January Homeowners’ meeting on Saturday, January 15, 2022.
Take a chance! Make a difference! Meet your neighbors! Volunteer for the Forest Lakes Country Club Estates HOA Board today!