**As required by the structure of our Sarasota County Neighborhood Initiative Grant, this is the third of several educational newsletters to be provided** Human progress has changed the landscape - in urban, and suburban areas like ours, the result has been a change in available habitat for other species. Habitat is where a creature resides. Its niche is how it makes a living within the habitat.
As natural ecosystems are fragmented by roads, cleared and drained for agriculture and new developments, the result has been a reduction in native habitat. And with non-native species encroaching into the environment and successfully elbowing native species away, there has been a further reduction in the various types (diversity) of habitats available to critters.
One intent of our grant is to diversify habitat while improving water quality and promote walkability along the Tanglewood ditch. Click below to continue reading the full PDF of this article with links to sources
Volunteer with the Forest Lakes/Sarasota County Grant project to help maintain the
planted native plants by emailing your interest to flccehoa@gmail.com.