Have you noticed? Things are happening again. While the summer is sleepy, the Fall is full of activities.
Our neighbors in the Yard Squad have been working with residents all over Forest Lakes mowing, edging, pruning, trimming and mulching.
We’re working hard to showcase this incredible area. Please join in, and refresh your mulch, move your trash cans, power wash your roofs and move any empty debris out of sight. It brings pride to our area and increases property values.
If you haven’t driven around Sarasota lately, you should.
Take a look at how we compare. Large lots are the norm here. Not to mention, the many water resources that flank our borders. The homes, have the unique feel of homes built in old Florida.

Its coming! A Halloween night for ghouls of all ages. Keep your eyes peeled for details. You won’t want to miss it! Sun. 10/31/21
6 - 10 p.m.
3275 Pine Valley Drive (please park on the odd numbered side of the street)
Anyone interested in being a scare actor for any part of the night? Please email the Thomasons at bthomason@gmail.com.

Need help refreshing your yard? Send email from our HOA page to the Yard Squad. We’ll be happy to see if we can help.
Any ideas for neighborhood socials? Connect with the Family Events Committee. Send email from our HOA page and we’ll have them get back to you.