There is an understandable concern about the sewer construction work being done within Forest Lakes Country Club Estates. The project is increasing the capacity of the lift station on Hyde Park St. As a result a larger line is needed to carry the sewage to the main line just west of McIntosh on Bahia Vista. There is no sewage treatment occurring at the lift station, its purpose is to transport sewage to the treatment facility.
I spoke with the construction foreman a week or two ago about the equipment traffic through FLCCE. I requested that he remind his workers that they are using a residential street and to please keep their speed at an acceptable level. He said he would instruct his crew to do so. I have noticed their drivers have slowed since.
There have been complaints about early morning construction noise. There is a county noise ordinance that begins at 7:00 am. If you are hearing construction noise before then, call 861-5000 and file a complaint. An investigator will be sent to check up on the alleged violation.
The construction foreman told me he expected the project to be completed by Jan.-Feb. 2022. He also said the situation will get worse in FLCCE as they begin to lay the line down along Brookhaven and Sea View. So please be patient but feel free to report any issues you think should be addressed.
Chris King
President-FLCCE HOA
