A stellar turnout occurred at the Special Meeting to discuss a change to Section 5 of the bylaws and the proposed increase in the annual dues. The meeting was conducted by the HOA Board President with presentations from the Treasurer, Golf Course and Communications Committees. All information can be read on the flcce.com website. The President shared the history of expenses since the last dues increase in 2006, via a handout.

The comments from residents were varied, and a healthy discussion brought solid suggestions for changes some felt needed to be made regarding the deed restrictions. There was an equal amount of interest in the board’s recommendation for a suggested increase of the annual dues.
Other issues dealt with the status of the Golf Course. The question of whether its owner is still selling annual memberships or if they intend to close on June 1 was raised. Though rumors abound, there is no official word received by the HOA stating that the course is being sold or listed. We suggest all such questions be directed to the Palms Golf Course.
The interest in the Pluris work and its timeframe for completion was raised. The President promised to get information on the status of Pluris’ work and post it to the website. (Please note it is posted on the flcce.com website).
One major concern was the need to enforce the deed restrictions and to amend them to address the current issues versus those put in place in the 1970’s. The announcement was made that a Deed Restriction Commission is being formed to begin work on this lengthy and complicated effort. A signup sheet for volunteers was provided.
There was much frustration from residents who complained their neighbors leave their trashcans in the front of their homes, don’t maintain their lawns and/or park cars in their yards. The consensus was that more needs to be done to enforce these issues.
After much discussion, motions, amendments, etc. the vote to increase the dues from $50.00 per year to $100.00 per year, was passed. One resident expressed formal dissent in favor of the increase to $75.00 versus $100.00.
The bylaw change to enable a single line item legal expense from $3,000.00- $5,000.00 was also approved.
While there was healthy frustration with deed restriction compliance, there were also many comments about how fortunate we are to live in this great area, and how minimal the amount of our dues is compared to other comparable areas.
Thank you so much to our neighbor Sherry Erb for the use of her lovely front yard. And to Joe Bruno for his wonderful sound system.