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Summer's Coming to a Close... But hurricane season is here through November

We are in the peak of our rainy season. While Forest Lakes missed the worst of the tropical storms (so far), the daily showers will continue to cover our area for the next few months.

The good news is the grass gets a lot greener, and the bushes get a little taller but, mastering our drainage issues is more important now than ever.

In as much, we should look to protect our properties from the threat of standing water. Asking the following simple questions will help ensure our homes are kept high and dry:

1.) When you’re out walking, take a look at the storm drains. Do you see any that are in need of maintenance? Trash elements or grass clumps blocking the water flow?

If so, report to or contact Sarasota County Public Works at (941) 861-5000.

2.) Is your yard crew edging your lawn when they mow? While edging your lawn improves the property’s aesthetics, the critical need is to keep the street gutters clear from growing islands of grass and weeds. The threads of grass that grow from our yards into the gutters, can quickly block the flow of water to the drains.

3.) Do you live in one of the areas in which your back yard borders a neighbors’ yard?

If so, a drainage easement may convey your runoff to a storm drain. To move water off your yard, keep the easement clear. Be sure your tree roots, landscape, and structures are not blocking the flow of water from your yard to the drains.

Let’s work together to maintain and improve the sensitive Phillippi Creek/Sarasota Bay watershed where we live.

Sarasota County has identified all of the storm drain assets in Forest Lakes. Join us, with guidance and supplies from Sarasota County, in marking and maintaining FLCCE storm drains.

—Come meet the Sarasota County Neighborhood Environmental Team Leader—

Event: FLCCE Storm Drain Marking (read attachment to learn the benefits)

When: Kickoff on Saturday 8/28 from 8 AM to 9 AM (beat the heat!)

Where: 2262 Brookhaven Drive - receive instructions and materials RSVP to and indicate on what street you reside.

(A great opportunity for a teen to earn community service hours!)



FLCCE is a Deed Restricted Community

FLCCE HOA, P.O. Box 25041, Sarasota, FL 34277-2041 •

©2022 by Forest Lakes Country Club Estates

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