Did You Know?
FLCCE residents have their own access to Pine Craft Park?
Shhh…Did you know that just North of Glenna lane on the west side of Brookhaven, (as you near the curve that takes you to Seaview), there is a wooden fence with an opening that leads you to a beautiful trail that is part of the County Park system?
It’s true. The official entrance is located off Bahia Vista near Carter Street.
No bikes or motor vehicles along these narrow and sometimes steep paths; but you can enjoy a quiet walk down a series of canopied trails, which exit to the Pinecraft Park, near Olaf’s ice cream shop.
Check it out. It’s yet another advantage of living in this unique and beautiful place.

Part II of Annual Meeting
Forest Lakes Annual HOA Meeting will be held on Saturday January 11, 2025. All dues-paying members will be asked to vote on annual business that comes before the Board and affects our neighborhood. For those dues-paying members eligible to vote, (a proxy form will accompany a future eblast prior to the annual meeting, so that you may authorize someone to vote on your behalf if you are unable to attend).

FPL - Neighborhood Announcement
Please read this important message from Florida Power & Light regarding our neighborhood:
"There is a project planned in your area to help improve your electric service. We understand how much you depend on reliable energy and we’re continuously working to make it better.
This project is scheduled to begin 09/01/2022 and is expected to be completed by 12/31/2022.
We’ll do everything possible to keep power interruptions to a minimum. However, should an outage of 15 minutes or more become necessary, we’ll notify you at least five days in advance.
We pledge to work safely and respectfully in your community, and make reasonable efforts to minimize inconveniences to you or your neighbors. For questions, call 800-693-3267, Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and refer to Hyde Park Hardening, Feeder 500433, WR 10270818."

Waste Management Pickup Delays
You may have noted your yard waste was not picked up in a timely manner. Your HOA Board followed up to see what the issue was.
We were informed that for a variety of reasons they were behind with several neighborhoods. They apologized and got back on schedule. Just letting you know that the issue was pursued, and Waste Management is aware that this neighborhood is on top of things.
As a reminder Residential Curbside Collections Guidelines are on the County website. www.scgov.net
According to the County website, their rules are:
Garbage, recycling, and yard waste are all collected on the same day. Containers/items may be placed at the curb no earlier than 5 p.m. the day before collection and should be curbside by 6 a.m. on your collection day. Empty containers must be brought in from the curb by 10 am on the day following collection.

The Florida Friendly Landscaping Guide to Plant Selections & Landscape Design
The last Community Topics of Interest (CTI) presentation in the series was held April
26th on Native Plantings and Pollinator Pathways. The Florida Friendly Landscaping Guide to Plant Selection & Landscape Design was available for attendees. If you were unable to attend, you may obtain this publication from UF/IFAS Sarasota County Extension at Twin Lakes Park, (941) 861-9900.
If you missed the presentation, you can view it here: Forest Lakes Native Plants

Part I of Annual Meeting
There are area warriors fighting to defend against those who would amend the County’s Comprehensive Plan and bypass our inherent protections. One such warrior, is Lourdes Ramirez.
You may have seen her on the local news or read about her in the Herald Tribune and other news outlets. A resident of Sarasota county since 1999, with an MBA in Business Administration, she has championed the Sarasota County community on land-use concerns since 2001 and currently leads Protect Siesta Key, as well as serving as President of Siesta Key Community, Inc.
Though a majority of the Sarasota County Commission voted to proceed with the development of two mega-hotels on Siesta Key, (in direct violation of the Comprehensive Plan), Lourdes represented the organization that sued the county over these egregious decisions and won two litigations against them.
Join our January 11th Annual meeting to hear about how Lourdes accomplished this monumental feat and how similar threats could occur in virtually any Sarasota neighborhood. She will shed light on the significance of the COUNTY’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN and offer suggestions on how to prepare our area should such a situation arise.
Especially in light of Sarasota’s recent flooding, learning about the road map in place designed to protect us from these catastrophic events, is essential.
Mark your calendar today!

County Force Main Update
April 2024
Good news Forest Lakes residents. You may have noted the county has been working on our neighborhood street repairs. Recently, the County's Project Manager rode the neighborhood with our HOA representative and identified all areas of repair. Additionally, he committed to a July 1, 2024, completion date. As of this date, all repairs and full repaving, including Beneva at Bahia Vista, are to be done.

UPDATE - Bahia Vista Parallel Force Main
From 'The Sarasota News Leader', 7/15/22 (click here for full article):
"Recognizing the affected residents’ — and drivers’ — frustrations, the Sarasota County Commission voted unanimously on July 13 to authorize the completion of a sewage pipeline project along Beneva Road and Bahia Vista Street in Sarasota that has been on hold for months."

FLCCE Requests of the County
Re: Force Main Project
We have recently written a letter to the county officials regarding the Force Main Project.
In it we addressed the large truck traffic routinely traveling through our neighborhood streets and explained our position as being a residential area more entangled in this large project than most.
We spoke to our residential roads that are in terrible condition and due to become worse as the wet season approaches. And we addressed the County equipment storage lot, which is a major eyesore at the western end of our community between Hyde Park Street and Pine Valley Drive.
We expressed our residents’ feedback and that they felt as though the County had abandoned all concerns of the impact to our neighborhood. Especially the condition of the roads, which remain unstable for pedestrians (we have no sidewalks) and cyclists alike; as well as the unabated piles of dirt which have caused large amounts of dust to infiltrate the air.
And we explained the continued negative impact on safety due to the already existing traffic on Beneva, and the higher rate of speed permitted there. Pointing out that now, in addition to this Beneva raceway, we have narrowed lanes, with construction barrels, which cause confusion for the drivers who routinely make dangerous decisions to cut in and out of traffic, just feet away from school buses, county bus stops, cyclists, pedestrians, driveways and golf carts. It is fair to say that this has become one of the most dangerous thoroughfares in the county.
As a result of this egregious situation, we respectfully asked for the following:
· A single person be assigned as our contact. One who has access to timely and accurate information, that will respond to our questions and update us on the status of the project and help us address the following issues:
· What is the timeframe for repaving and repair of neighborhood streets?
· What is the timeframe for the installation of privacy/windscreen fencing in the construction storage area, and planting large bushes to hide the ongoing construction site mess?
· What are the plans to address dust abatement? This must be implemented quickly.
· Overall BMP’s and erosion control have been poorly maintained. We abut sensitive Phillippi Creek.
· We understand that at a recent Commissioner Meeting, a report was given that indicated the new due date for bids was April 15. What is the status and timing of this process?
We will keep you posted as to their response.